About Our Members
We'd like to celebrate our members here. And we need your help to do so.
Not just the hero who won the battle that saved the country. Not just the doctor who found a cure for a dreaded disease. Also the girl dressed up for her first prom. The member who wore a pink shirt and walked miles to try to help defeat breast cancer. The member who earned another belt in their martial arts class. The member who has taught students in schools. The member who is a scout leader. The member who tossed a Caber. The member's dog who herded the pesky ducks. If you think the person, or their event, are important enough to celebrate, so do we!
We know you know people worth celebrating! Maybe even you! Please tell us about them through the Contact Us page.
We are coming to Scotland in September and would love to meet and discuss the Pollock family history. I have done extensive research for Clan Pollock that traces our ancestors back to Fulbert The Saxon Pollok back to France in 1030 and would love to meet with someone involved in the family history during our visit.
I can be reached by cell phone at 724-249-3870 or email at bill84golf2@gmail.com
William Hunter Pollock
My mother’s family traces back to Clan Hunter and we are visiting Hunterston castle during our visit as well.
Someone will be in touch with you soon. All of Clan Pollock officers and most members are in the United States, but we do have information about visiting Clan Pollock places in Scotland.
What site for DNA testing should I use.
One of my relatives married Amelia Polk daughter of Captain William Polk and Sabra Bradford.; married George Harrison Harmon. I would truly enjoy finding out if any of this is true. I have been unable to find any source citations, other than headstones for this union. The location is Old Harmon Cemetery near Pittsboro North Carolina.
Thank you for a reply
There is information on the DNA project for Clan Pollock at https://clanpollock.com/dna-project/