Clan Pollock - Flowers of the Forest
Memories are a great resource. This page is dedicated to the memories of Clan Pollock member's, past and present. "A person who takes no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors cannot expect to be remembered for his noble deeds by remote descendants."
If you would like to have a note placed here to commemorate a friend, loved one or relative who was a member of Clan Pollock, please write to the editor of The Pollag.
In order to make it easier to find a specific person on this page, the entries are alphabetized by first name. You can skip to any letter grouping by clicking on the letter in the next row.
A, B, C, D, E, F,G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, V, W
Alexander Graff, husband of Ruth Graff of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, passed away just before Christmas of 1992.
-William C. Pollock, Jr.

4/14/92 - 4/16/99
Andrew J. Pollock of Billings Montana passed away in September after years of suffering with COPD. Andrew and Elsie were married for sixty-one years. Andrew was always very proud of his Scottish heritage - his grandfather, Gavin Pollock II came to America in 1880 from the Glasgow area.
Our sympathy to Tommy and Carol and their family on the passing of Tommy’s mother, Anna Lois Smith Pollock, February 7, 2016 at the age
of 94 in Dawson, GA.
Anne Barrett-Lennard Pollock, of Devonshire, England, passed away March 5, 2012. Anne was the widow of the Rev. Dr. John C. Pollock, who passed away in January of this year.
Arlene Pogue, age 82, of Scottsdale AZ passed away on February 2, 2020. Arlene enjoyed photography, sewing, quilting, travel, and volunteer work for St Vincent de Paul. She is survived by her husband of 60 years, George, and her 2 daughters, 2 grandchildren, and her 7 great grandchildren.
Clan Pollock member, B. Timothy (Tim) Stone, 52, passed away suddenly December 28, 2018. Tim was the son of the late Dr. Ben Stone. He is survived by his wife, Kelly; children, Wilson and Caroline; mother, Merle Stone; two brothers and other family. Tim took over as Clan Pollock’s North Carolina Commissioner following his father’s declining health.
Tim was very proud of his Scottish ancestry and particularly enjoyed time spent with his family who were members of the Scottish Clan Pollock.
These times were especially dear to Tim, as it meant, being with his parents, his wife and children, as well as, his large extended family. The
Stone family often made family trips to participate in the Highland Games at Grandfather Mountain and Loch Norman where they graciously hosted the Clan Pollock tent.
One of Tim’s cousins wrote the following: “There are few truly great eople in the world; someone who can fill a room with their personality
and someone who can find the love and humor in any situation. This was Tim Stone.” He will truly be missed by all.
We extend our sympathy to the family of Clan Pollock Lifetime member, Barbara D. Mucklow, Richmond, VA (received February 2012)
Barney Polk passed away peacefully at home on December 3, 2017. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in memory of Barney to Porter Hospice of Denver or Rocky Mountain National Conservancy at
Billie Pride Pollock Mother of Richard Pollock, Past Clan President & current Clan Genealogist, of Madisonville, Kentucky passed away in February, 2003 after a long illness.
Bob Dunbar I was deeply saddened to learn of the death of Bob Dunbar, a charter member of Clan Pollock. Bob, and his wife Marion Pollock Dunbar, were staunch supporters of our efforts to establish Clan Pollock in the United States and Canada. That support continued over the many years since our first annual meeting at Grandfather Mountain in 1980. A few years before Clan Pollock was founded, Bob launched a dedicated effort that resulted in the founding of Clan Dunbar in the United States. The knowledge he gained from that successful effort he readily shared with me and especially with our founder, Rhys Pollock. Rhys told me that Bob Dunbar's counsel and advice was invaluable to his early efforts. Bob enjoyed a great sense of humor and he was ever ready with a joke or a funny story. He sincerely loved to join with friends and fellow Scotsmen at Scottish games and festivals in many parts of our great country. Bob joined the Army just before the outbreak of World War II, and served in the Pacific Theater under General Douglas MacArthur. In the fight to liberate the Philippine Islands, he was with one of the lead combat units that liberated a Japanese prisoner of war camp. Marion told me the memory of that day never left him. Bob was ninety years old when he passed away. He will be missed by his family and his many friends. Well done, Bob. Be thou at peace. ~Bill Pollock July 2005.
Byran Dow Marshburn, of Greeshboro, North Carolina, died February 13, 2003. He was a member of Clan Pollock since 1992. He is survived by his wife, Sara, two children & two grandchildren and his twin brother, Dr. Tom Marshburn,
Bryan Pollock, Tacoma, WA I would like to thank everyone for their prayer support over the past few months for my husband, Bryan Pollock. He was called home to his Lord and Savior on Monday, November 9. He is now completely healed from his cancer! We are surrounded by many loving family members and friends. My son, David, played the pipes for him shortly before his passing and intends to play Amazing Grace at the services. Bryan loved his Scottish heritage and instilled that love upon his nine children. His passing leaves a huge hole in our lives, but God, in His mercy, will give us the strength to carry on. Rejoicing in the goodness of God, Susan Pollock.
Burney Parker of Brenham, TX passed away April 17, 2003.
C. Richard Bugg, Fresno, CA, passed away January 4, 2017. Richard served 22 years in the United States Air Force. Richard had been a member of Clan Pollock since 1995. Richard also hosted the Clan Pollock tent at the Fresno, CA Games for many years. He was married to Delores for 68 years. Our sympathy to all his family.
Catholene Pollock, mother of Clan President A.D. Pollock, passed away on February 5th, 2006. She was over 95 years old and lived a good, long time. Our condolences to Clara and A.D. Pollock.
Charles (Chuck) B. Pollock, of Littleton, Colorado, passed away recently. Chuck was a Clan Pollock lifetime member. We send our sympathy to his wife, Kaye, and their family. Chuck and Kaye were loyal members and attendees at the Estes Park Games. We enjoyed seeing them last Fall. (We received this announcement in time for the August 2012 issue of The Pollag.
Charles K. Pollock of Sand Pedro, California passed away in February, 2000.
Christian Edwards, member and son of member Chrystin Pleasants, passed away unexpectedly on January 23, 2021.
Clarence Warren Pollock age 107, of Powhattan KS, passed to God’s Heavenly Kingdom on July 30, 2021, at his home surrounded by family. He was born March 10, 1914 in Tingley, Iowa, son of Rev. Clarence Amander and Alida May Belle (Warren) Pollock. He was a graduate of Stafford, KS High School (1931) and Sterling College (1936). He also studied later at Kansas State, Emporia State, and Kansas University.
Clark Pollock of York Harbor, Maine, passed away on 25 November, 1995. His wife Bette wrote that they had spent the summer traveling and enjoying time together. They hoped to return this year to visit Edinburgh and Glasgow. However, Clark succumbed to cancer before they could do that.
-William C. Pollock, Jr.
Clifford E. Wheeler, 73, passed away December 16, 2019 in Columbus, Ohio. He was the father of Clan Pollock member, Kelly Loy. Clifford is survived by his wife, Judy; 4 children, 10 grandchildren & 1 great grandchild. Clifford’s Mother was a Polk. Kelly said her father was very interested in his family’s connection to the Polk line. Our sympathy to Kelly & all the family.
I suffered deep personal loss with the death of my cousin Dale L. Pollock of Kansas City, Missouri. Dale and I were very close and I dearly loved being around him. Dale was an extremely gifted writer and many of his articles and sermons were published. Dale was deeply religious, steadfastly believing to the end that he was destined to be with the Lord. Dale spent his life as a minister and counselor to those less fortunate needing help. For me, Dale's moist loveable character trait was his magnificent sense of humor. His conversations were always peppered with humorous sayings, anecdotes, and outrageously funny jokes. Dale died peacefully on 23 March 1998 with his wonderful wife, Joyce, at his side. I miss him deeply and I know Joyce does too. Rest in peace, Dale.
-William C. Pollock, Jr.
David Brownfield Horne, of Orlando, Florida, passed away on Thursday, Aug. 15, 2019.
We are sad to learn of the passing of Delores Turner on December 18, 2015. Delores was the mother of Clan Pollock member, Denise Turner Thomas. Delores loved to come to Scottish Games and we always enjoyed seeing her smiling face. She was at Estes Park last September and “outran” all of us in the parade in her motorized chair. We send our sympathy to Denise and Mark and all Delores’ family.
Donald C. Pollock, Livonia MI April 23, 1925 - December 14, 2012 We send our sympathy to his wife, Marilyn, their four children, nine grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Donald entered the US Army at age 17 and saw service in the North Africa, Messina and Anzio campaigns in WW II receiving a Purple Heart medal. Another one of the "Greatest Generation" has passed on - a generation to whom we owe so much. Thanks to his daughter, Janet Pollock Finlay, for sending his obituary.
Dorothy W. Pollock of Colorado Springs, Colorado, passed away on 29 October 1997. Dorothy, and her late husband, Gordon, were staunch supporters of Clan Pollock and other Scottish activities in Colorado for many years. I know that members of the clan and others will miss seeing her at the many Scottish events she and Gordon supported in Colorado.
-William C. Pollock, Jr.
Edna Margarite Pollock, mother of Henry Pollock of Reidsville, North Carolina passed away om 11 July 1991. Margarite was born in Stanford, Kentucky on 20 January 1909. She lived in Raleigh, North Carolina.
She had an extraordinary association with Methodist Ministers. Margarite was the daughter of a Methodist Minister, the wife of a Methodist Minister, the daughter-in-law of a Methodist Minster, the sister-on-law of two Methodist Minsters. the sister of a Methodist Minister, and the mother of four Methodist Ministers, Henry and his three brothers.
-William C. Pollock, Jr.
Esther F. Layman of Villa Park, Illinois passed away 20 October 2000.
Elizabeth (Deutzy) Pollock Shutt of Island, KY passed away April 26, 2003, a few weeks short of her 99th birthday.
Frances Alma Brooks Richards passed peacefully March 20, 2019 in Shreveport, LA at 99 years old. Alma was born January 28, 1920 in Mt Airy, NC. She was a life member of Clan Pollock. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to Eye Samaritans International at
Genevieve Myrtle Richards Hand, born in Kewanee, IL July 8, 1907, died December 19, 2003. She joined Clan Pollock in June of 1982. She is survived by her niece, Joan Herrick.
George F. Pollock of Randallstown, MD. passed away on 1 March 1989 at the age of 89. George was the father of Robert Pollock of Hickory, NC. I (William C. Pollock Jr. past president of Clan Pollock) had the pleasure of meeting George at Grandfather Mountain in 1987. He was proud of his ancestry and was deeply interested in Pollock History. I know Bob and the family miss him. Again, our deepest condolences.
Our clan treasurer, George W. (Bill) Pollock of Oconomowoc Lake, Wisconsin, died following a boating accident on 15 June 1998. Bill was a longer-time member of the clan and over the years we had some wonderful conversations about the clan and about our family histories. When I was clan president, I sought his counsel on clan matters from time to time, and his advice was always helpful and deeply appreciated. A devoted family man, I know his wife Mary, and his family, will greatly miss him.
-William C. Pollock,. Jr.
It is with great sadness that I must inform you of the passing of a long time member of Clan Pollock. Gladys Pollock Fowler of North Port, Florida passed away from complications of a massive stroke. The clan extends deepest sympathies to her husband, Harry J. Fowler, to members of her family, and to her friends. Harry's new address is 2596 Vestridge St, North Port, FL, 34287-1765
-William C. Pollock, Jr.
It is with deep regret that I inform you of the passing of Goldie O'Neal, wife of Jim O'Neal of Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina. Goldie passed away from a stroke on 12 January 1993 after a short illness. Jim said the funeral services were beautiful. Held at the First Scots Presbyterian Church of Charleston, the services included pipe and organ music under the direction of the master of the Citadel's pipe band. Goldie was buried in St. Matthews, South Carolina. Jim and Goldie faithfully attended our annual clan meetings over the past few years and she was always a delight to isit with. We shall miss her. If you would like to send a card, Jim's address is 547 Overseer's Retreat, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464. Jim has requested that any donations in Goldie's memory be made to the American Cancer Society or the American Heart Association.
-William C. Pollock, Jr.
It is with deep sorrow that I report the passing of a member of the clan. Colonel Gordon R. Pollock, of Colorado Springs, Colorado, passed away on March 29, 1994. He was 79 years old and a veteran of 25 years of service in the United States Army. He was an active member of Clan Pollock in Colorado and I know he will be greatly missed at our Colorado clan events. His funeral in Colorado Springs was attended by five Colorado members of Clan Pollock and by members of the Pikes Peak Scottish Society. Our deepest sympathy goes out to his widow Dorothy and members of his family.
-William C. Pollock, Jr.
It is my sad duty to announce the passing of long time member of Clan Hamish Pollock of Hampton, Virginia on Sunday 18 February, 1990. Hamish was the husband of Martha Pollock and the father of Hamish Pollock Jr. of Maitland, Florida and Gail Pollock Carden of Durham, North Carolina. He was the brother of Marion Pollock Dunbar or Eustis, Florida, and Rob Pollock our Clan Secretary, of Wilmington, North Carolina. Hamish was a charter member if Clan Pollock having joined soon after Rhys Pollock convened the clan in 1979.
I first met Hamish and Martha at the Grandfather Mountain Games in1980. After I moved to North Carolina in 1987, I got to know him better. We had some lengthy talks about many subjects, again at Grandfather Mountain. I noticed at the outset of my friendship with him that he genuinely liked to talk to people. At the games he would strike up a conversation with anyone, be they friend, acquaintance, or perfect stranger. I always thought the very best of Hamish and I thoroughly enjoyed his company. I know he was deeply proud of his Scottish heritage. He will be missed by many.
All of us extend our deepest sympathy to you, Martha, and to the rest of Hamish's family. May he rest in peace.
-William C. Pollock, Jr.
Harvey Carlyle Pollock 4/3/1921 to 2/15/2006, Dr. H. Carlyle Pollock, retired orthodontist, died peacefully in his home on his Sedalia Colorado ranch. He and his wife, Virginia (died 1994), settled on this beautiful ranch over 45 years ago.
Services were held President's Day 2006, in the New Hope Presbyterian Church in Castle Rock, Colorado. The memorial celebrated Carlyle Pollock's Scottish bloodlines, western heritage, equestrian expertise, and Christian faith.
A reception followed at the home of Carla (Pollock) Holst and Andy Holst on the Sedalia ranch. Pollock, raised in Fair Oaks, Clayton, Missouri, attended St. Louis Country Day School, New Mexico Military Institute, University of Arizona, St. Louis University, and Washington University in St. Louis. He served in the ROTC, Army Air Corps, and at Fitzsimmons Army Medical Center.
Dr. Pollock brightened the smiles of many through the practice of orthodontia in Denver. He specialized in the Crozat Method developed by his father, a leader in orthodontia from 1920 to 1960. His marriage to Virginia Marshall in 1950 resulted in years of happy hospitality and three children, Stratton, William, and Carla, whose lives were filled with horses, fishing, pact trips, and friends. Together they preserved the beautiful "Cramer homestead" on West Plum Creek in Sedalia, improved the land, added acreage, and raised many a good horse.
Dr. Pollock (Papa Polly) loved his grand children, Virginia and John Carlyle, as well as his step-grandchildren, Jenelle and Colette Holst. He will be remembered with love for his great stories, lively sense of humor, and deep heritage, which he shared on earth and will share with us in heaven. For more information, contact Carla Pollock Holst, 2361 Perry Park Rd. Sedalia, CO 80135
Our sympathy to Clan Pollock member and Illinois Commissioner Paul Layman on the passing or his wife, Helen Layman, in September. Helen has been Paul’s able assistant at the Chicago Scots Annual Festival & Highland Games for many years. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Layman family. Memorials may be sent to the Salvation Army, 1S415 Summit, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181, and the Illinois St. Andrew Society Scottish Home, 2800 Des Plaines Ave. North Riverside, IL 60546. - See more at: Knoll Crest Funeral Home.
Reverend Henry Morrison Pollock, Reidsville, North Carolina, passed away May 2, 2013. We send our sympathy to his wife, Elisabeth Jean, their four children and two grandchildren. Henry served for 20 ears as a US Army Chaplain, serving abroad i Thailand, Loprea, Fermany and Vietnam. Henry also served 24 years in the local United Methodist Church. Henry dedicated his life to the service of God and above all, in helping his fellow man. Thanks to his son, Stephen, for sending Henry's Obituary.
Mr. Herbert William "Bill" Pollock, died Feb. 25, 2008. The U.S. government named a mountain in Antarctica in his honor, "Mt. Pollock." Many of us remember Bill's interesting talk about working in Antarctica at the 1996 AGM in Estes Park.
Horace G. Loftin, Jr., age 93, died at Vidant Hospital in Greenville, North Carolina on January 23, 2021.
He was a Life Member of Clan Pollock. Horace was a renowned ornithologist and avid genealogist.
Dr. Houston Lowry passed away August 12, 2010. He lived in Madisonville, TN and was a family practice physician for 43 years.
Despite being confined to a wheelchair for many years, Dr. Lowry was a regular attendee at Scottish Games at Gatlinburg, TN; Glasgow, KY; Grandfather Mountain, N.C.; Murfreesboro, TN and Stone Mountain, GA. Dr. Lowry attended the July Grandfather Mountain Games this year. He was a member of Clan Donald USA and Clan MacLaren Society of N.A. and held positions in these clans as well as other Scottish organizations. He was a World War II veteran serving in the Marine Corps. We extend our sympathy to his wife of 62 years, Freda Lowry and family.
Irvin Richard Strauss, Los Alamos, New Mexico, husband of Mariel Strauss. (We don't have the dates of his birth or passing, but we were told of it in May 2009.)
From the Norfolk Daily News, Feb 23, 2009, OGALLALA - Jack Pollock, a native Northeast Nebraskan who once was described as the "quintessential country editor," died last Friday at the age of 77 at the Ogallala Community Hospital.
Services for Pollock - who was associated with the Keith County News for 40 years as both its news editor and then its owner and publisher - will be Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Ogallala.
Allen Beermann, executive director of the Nebraska Press Association, said Pollock "brought definition to the craft of journalism in grand style."
"His dedication to solid journalism will never be exceeded. He set the high water mark by always being a steady hand, showing understanding, dependability and honorable standards," Beermann said.
After graduating from Stanton High School, Jack Pollock was inducted into the U.S. Navy in 1952. He served four years as a Navy journalist, editing daily and weekly publications in the Pacific during the Korean Conflict.
Following his military service, he received a bachelor's degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1958. While at UNL, Pollock was editor of the Daily Nebraskan, was a fraternity president and was a member of the Innocents Society, a senior honorary.
On Sept. 13, 1958, he married Beverly Ann Buck at Lincoln.
Pollock then began a civilian journalism career that would eventually lead to induction into the Nebraska Journalism Hall of Fame in 2000 and recognition with the Nebraska Press Association Master-Editor Publisher Award in 1993.
In 1960, he began his affiliation with the Keith County News, hired as a news editor. The Pollocks purchased the Keith County News in 1966, and he was associated with the Ogallala-based paper the remainder of his life. The Pollocks sold the paper on July 1, 2000, and he had been publisher emeritus since then.
Survivors include his wife, Beverly of Ogallala; a son, Andrew S. Pollock and his wife, Dr. Kris, of Lincoln; a daughter, Allison Ann and her husband, Larry Welch Jr., of Omaha; seven grandchildren, Elizabeth, Sam, Katherine Lela and McConaughy "Mac" Pollock of Lincoln, and Buck, Benjamin and Jack Welch of Plattsmouth; a sister, Judy Bruce of Springfield, Va.; a sister-in-law, Jo and her husband, Bill Olson, of Surprise, Ariz.; a cousin; and nieces and nephews.
Online condolences may be sent to
Memorials are directed to the Keith County Community Foundation, the 21st Century Endowment of the First Congregational, United Church of Christ, and the Nebraska Press Association Foundation.
We are sorry to learn of the passing of James Knox Polk, of East Bend, North Carolina, last August (2012(. We received word from his son, James C. Polk.
Dr. James L. Pollock, of Las Cruces, New Mexico, passed away September 9, 2006.
James Polk Farber, 86, Middletown, died Thursday July 25, 2019 at his home. He is survived by his wife of sixty-one years, Ocile deVore Farber of Middletown; three sons, Charles W. Farber of Brookline, Mass.; James P. Jr. and John Michael Farber of the farm; and seven grand children. He was a graduate of Duke University and of the National War College, Ft. McNair, Washington.
A retired senior foreign service officer and defense executive died Thursday he entered the diplomatic service in 1958 following service in the Air Force. His early assignments included tours at Bonn, Paris, the Congo, Malawi and South Africa. He was decorated with the State Department Meritorious Honor award for his service in the Congo. In 1983, at the rank of Minister-Counselor in the Senior Foreign Service, Mr. Farber took early retirement. He spent the next 12 years as deputy head of General Dynamics' corporate international department, during which he was deeply involved in that company's international programs. As an Air Force Reserve officer, Farber served 22 years active and reserve retiring in 1976 as a Major.
Long time clan member James T. (Jim) O'Neal of Sanford, North Carolina, passed away on 15 April 1998. Jim was a fine person and a loyal member of our clan. A stalwart supporter of our clan, he had a very congenial personality, and was always fin to be with. A veteran of the D-Day landings on the shores of Normandy in June of 1944, Jim wrote a book about his experiences on that historic day and the days afterward. To his wife, Mary, we offer our most sincere condolences. He will be remembered.
-William C. Pollock, Jr.
James W. Pollock, of Colorado passed away March 1, 2009.
James W. (Jim) Reece, Charlotte, NC, passed away April 7, 2012. Jim was a descendant of President Polk through the Reverend Charles Polk. He was Secretary of the Polk Memorial Support Fund Inc. Jim was a Navy veteran who went on to earn his law degree from Indiana University. We extend our sincere sympathy to his wife, Janet, and the rest of his family.
Jane Pollock Ohl, of Denver, Colorado. Ruth Woodward writes that Jane joined Clan Pollock in 1995. Jane passed away August 18, 2009.
Janice Elain (Ehlers) Wattles, of Lakewood, Colorado, died April 6, 2001. Mrs. Wattles was born in Lincoln, Nebraska on AProl 6, 1930. She married Gordon Wattles in 1948. Survivors include sons James of Littleton, Colorado, and Kerry of Lakewood. She is also survived by six grandchildren. Burial was in Ft. Logan National Cemetery. Jan was a member of Clan Pollock and spent many years researching her family including the names Ehlers, Wiggins, Webb, Polk and Wattles.
Our sympathy goes out to John C. Pollock, whose mother passed away in January. From the Eulogy Celebrating the Life of Jane Reib Pollock
given by John:
"I like to think of my mother’s “dancing storytelling” style as she transitions to another level of awareness. Here’s to you, Miss Jane, as you encounter the Great Mystery. I imagine you trading stories with the master storyteller of the universe, the one who made us all, the creator of the cosmos. Let’s dance, Miss Jane, let’s dance!"
Janice Loftin, wife of member Horace Loftin, passed away on August 10th, 1991 in Panama City, Florida, after a long hospitalization. Janice was a graduate of Wake Forest University and along with Horace was a dedicated and enthusiastic member of the Audubon Society. For many years they attended the games at Grandfather Mountain and at Stone Mountain near Atlanta, Georgia. We will miss seeing Janice at these events. -William C. Pollock, Jr.
Jerry (Gerald U.) Dinneen of Denver Colorado passed away on July 15, 2003. He survived his beloved wife Kay by only thirteen months, and died peacefully, after a short illness. After a simple funeral mass and graveside service, attended only by family members, he was buried beside his wife of 64 years, and we pray that they are now together in Heaven.
Jerry and his wife were long time members of Clan Pollock. They joined within the first three or four years of the clan's existence around 24 or 25 years ago. He was a brother-in-law of Robert Slemmons, our Kansas Commissioner. Though they lived in Colorado, they attended many of the annual meetings and clan gatherings in the East as well as in the West.
Clan Pollock Lifetime member, Jimmy R. Polk of Ocala, Florida was born in 1935 and passed away April 2, 2018. He joined Clan Pollock in 1998. Jimmy retired from the Marion County Sheriff's Department in 2000 with over 20 years of service. He is survived by a daughter, a son, 6 grandchildren, and one great-grandson.
Dr. John Black Clan Pollock member, Carol Black, Prescott Valley, AZ, writes that her husband, Dr. John Black, passed away suddenly in January, 2010.
The Reverend John Pahls passed away January 26, 2014. He designed and wove both the Colorado State Tartan and the Clergy Tartan and the Makay family tartan. The Colorado Tartan was recognized by the House of Representatives and the Senate of the State of Colorado in 1997.
John C. Polk of Tulsa, OK. Dorothy E. Polk writes that her husband, John C. Pollock, a Clan Pollock member, passed away in December, 2009.
Rev. Dr. John Charles Pollock Devon, England. 1924 - January 6, 2012 It is with sadness that I report the death on 6 January 2012 of Lifetime Member, The Rev. Dr. John Charles Pollock in Devon, England.
John is survived by his wife of 63 years, Anne Barrett-Lennard Pollock, daughter of Sir Thomas Richard Finnes Barrett-Lennard, 5th Bart. and Una Kathleen Finora Fitzherald Barrett-Lennard.
He was preceded in death by his parents Robert Pollock and Ethel Mary Purefoy Powell Pollock.
John came from a notable Pollock Family line. His Grandfather was Charles Edward Pollock, Knight, Baron of the Exchequer; his Great Grandfather was The Rt. Hornorable Jonathan Frederick Pollock, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer; his Great Great Grandfather was David Pollock, Esquire, Saddler to King George III.
John was a prolific writer, penning some 23 books, ranging from The Master: A Life of Christ, Amazing Grace: John Newtons's Story, to Gordon of Khartoum. He was also the official biographer of The Rev. Billy Graham.
Probably his most notable book was The Apostle: A Life of Paul. Originally published in 1969 in 10 languages, it has sold more than 3 million copies.
John's last work was the updating of The Apostle, just published in January 2012. This is an excellent book and I encourage all of you to get a copy. John and Anne had promised to have the publisher send me a gratis copy when the book was published, and it was mailed the day before he died.
While I never met John face-to-face, he was a friend as well as a proven Cousin. We exchanged letters many times each year over the past 15 years, and I gained from the exchange considerable guidance on writing biographies, research methods and family history, all of which were invaluable as I have written and privately published 5 family history books for my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. I will miss him as will the world of Christian Literature. - Richard H. Pollock, DSA Scot, Clan Genealogist
There is an article about him at Wikipedia.
John R. Pollock of Petersborough, Ontario, Canada, passed away on 20 November 1991. He was the father of John D. (Bod) Pollock, former Clan Commissioner for Canada. John was born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1909. John was a member of our clan who wanted very much to be with his clansmen at the games at Grandfather Mountain. Unfortunately, his ill health did not permit him to make the journey from Canada. From talks with Bud, I know his father was a man who dearly loved ways Scottish and took great pride in his Scottish ancestry.
-William C. Pollock, Jr.
Lt. Col. John W. (Bill) Espey, USA, Retired, of Eads, Tennessee,1923-2022. Lt. Col. Espey was born in McHenry, Kentucky on May 11, 1923, and enlisted in the Army in 1942. During World War II, he served in North Africa and Italy as an enlisted soldier. His final military assignment was Deputy Director of Security, Plans and Operations, for the U.S. Army Japan.
His military decorations include The Legion of Merit Medal, the Bronze Star, the Air Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal and the Army Good Conduct Medal. He was a Kentucky Colonel, a life member of the American Legion, a life member of the Retired Officers’ Association and a member of Clan Pollock for 19 years.
He was a graduate of Western Kentucky University and received an MBA from Memphis State University.
Our sympathy to the family of Kathering Dinneen, of Denver, Colorado, who recently (we printed this in July 2002) passed away. Katherine was a Lifetime member of Clan Pollock and the sister of Clan Pollock member Robert Slemmons.
Lois Pollock, passed away on Sept. 21, 2006. Her last birthday was August 27, she was born in 1903. She was 103 yrs. old. She lived in Plain Grove, PA, Lawrence County, near New Castle, PA. Her remaining members of the family are her son, James Robert Dice, who took wonderful care of her, and only niece, Ruth Carr; she had many cousins. Her father was Lewis Alexander Pollock and her mother was Lucy Belle Miles Pollock. They all lived in the same place for over 150 years.
Rev. Marcelino Pollock of Corpus Christi, Texas passed away 23 November 2000.
Sadly, I report that Martha Pollock, a charter member of Clan Pollock, passed away on 11 November of this year at the age of eighty three. She now rests beside her beloved husband, Hamish Pollock, in Hampton, Virginia. Many among her many friends attending the burial ceremony wore the kilt, and her coffin was most appropriately draped with the Pollock tartan. Martha was a strong supporter of our clan and a truly delightful lady who was admired by many.
Martha is survived by her son Hamish Jr. of Florida, and her daughter Gail Pollock Carden of North Carolina, five grandchildren and four great grandchildren. She was the sister-in-law of Rob and Rosemary Pollock of North Carolina, and Bob and Marion Dunbar of Florida.
I first met Martha and Hamish at the Grandfather Mountain games in 1980. At that time the clan roster was only about three quarters of a page long. Among those dedicated to ensuring our new clan survived, Martha was always ready to do her part. For many years she helped man the clan tent, answered questions, and proudly marched in the parades. If you needed something done, Martha was always ready to help. I can still picture her sitting in the clan tent in her white blouse and kilt skirt in the Pollock tartan. Ann and I always looked forward with delight to a visit with Martha, and the fond memories of those visits have not been forgotten. Well done, Martha. Be thou at peace.
~William C. Pollock Jr.
Mrs. Margaret Pollock, Belvidere, Illinois, wife of Clan Pollock member, Nevin C. Pollock. Our sympathy to Mr. Pollock. We were informed of her passing in time for the July 2004 Pollag.
Marion Novotny Our sympathy to the family of Marion Novotny, 92, Clan Pollock member from Boulder, Colorado. Her granddaughter, Anna, called with the sad news in time for the August 2008 Pollag.
Mary Margaret Pollock passes away January 8th after being diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer, which metastasized. She enjoyed connecting to family and heritage through her membership in the Clan. In lieu of flowers, consider a donation in her memory to a special fund
established by her children, 'The Pollock - Thomas Memorial Fund', at either the University of Rochester or Virginia Commonwealth University,
to support lung disease research.
On Monday, May 24, 2021, Merle Holaday Stone, beloved wife, mother, grandmother, teacher, swimmer, stationery-peddler, gardener and the toughest person known by all, passed away peacefully to join her beloved husband, Dr. Harry Benjamin (Ben) Stone III, her son Benjamin Timothy (Tim) Stone, and other dear relatives in heaven.
Merle was born January 23, 1941 in Clarksdale, MS. She attended Longwood College in Virginia, where on
a blind date, she would meet her future husband and partner, Ben, who attended nearby Hampden-Sydney
College.She and Ben were married in 1962. She worked as an elementary school teacher, while Ben
completed his medical studies in Durham, NC.
After their three sons were born, their family settled in New Bern, NC. It was in their later years, that she and
Ben enjoyed traveling to see their family, especially their grandchildren. They would regularly celebrate their Scottish Heritage with Clan Pollock and attended Highland games at Loch Norman and Grandfather Mountain.
In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations to the American Diabetes Association or National Cancer Society.
Michael T. Carden, of Durham, North Carolina, passed away September 26, 2012 after a brave battle with lung cancer. Memorial donations may be made to: New Sharon United Methodist Church Endowment Fund, 1601 New Sharon Church Rd., Hillsborough, NC 27278
We send our sympathy to his wife, Gail Pollock Carden, and their family. Mike was always ready to help in any way with the Clan Pollock activities especially at the Grandfather Mountain Games and other N.C. Games and also at Stone Mountain, GA. Mike was a dear friend and a faithful member of Clan Pollock. He will be greatly missed by all of us.
Mollie P. Jessup, Winter Park, Florida, Lifetime Member (We received this notice in August, 2015)
Nancy Polk Woolford passed away January 30, 2019. Nancy was a lifetime member of Clan Pollock. Polkey, as she was known, would like to be remembered as one who had a great journey with many wonderful friends. Our sympathy to her family and friends.
Norman D. Pollock, December 9, 1926- October 3, 1917
Sadly Norm Pollock, 90, passed away shortly after attending the Longs Peak Games. Norm enlisted and proudly served during WWII in the United States Army as a Corporal. He graduated from Iowa State University. He was such a special person and so supportive of Clan Pollock.
Norman is survived by his children, Marcia (Stephen) Baker, Mark (Diane) Pollock, and Matthew (Vicki) Pollock and six grandchildren.
Patricia Walker Phillips of Hampstead, North Carolina pass away 30 August 2000.
The Reverend Phillip J.B. Pogue, Clan Pollock Chaplain, passed away October 17, 2019 in Bowling Green, KY. Phillip had served as a minister at several Presbyterian churches before his retirement. Phillip had been a member of Clan Pollock since 1990. We enjoyed seeing him at many Games over the years. In 1999 at the Heart of Tennessee Scottish Celebration Phillip won the “Bonniest Knees Contest”. He wore his medal proudly! Phillip is survived by two sisters, Clan Pollock member, Charlene Pogue Young and Gail Brown. He was much loved by those who knew him and will be greatly missed.
Ralph W. Paulk, Hayward, California. We do not have the dates of his birth or death, but were informed of his passing in May, 2009.
Ralph Pollock, Orangeville, Ontario, Canada, Lifetime Member and Ontario Commissioner (we received this notification in August 2015)
We are sorry to learn of the passing of Clan Pollock member, Raymond M. Pollock, Virginia Beach, VA on October 21, 2018 after a lengthy illness. Raymond had been a member of Clan Pollock for 24 years. His wife of 56 years, Kay Pollock, wrote that Raymond “really enjoyed Clan Pollock”. Our sympathy to Kay and his family.
Our sympathy to the family of Clan Pollock member, Richard E. Kehder, Marion, IL who passed away in May of 2016.
Richard H. Pollock Our Sympathy to the family of Richard H. Pollock a Clan Pollock member from San Antonio, Texas, who passed away May 8, 2006.
Major Robert Dunbar Our sympathy to Marion Pollock Dunbar, Clan Pollock Lifetime Member, and her family in the loss of her husband, Major Bob Dunbar, who passed away January 26, 2005 at the age of 90 years. The Dunbars had not been able to attend the Games for several years due to his ill health, but they were always loyal supporters of Clan Pollock.
Robert Irvin Harper, of Winston-Salem, N.C. We were informed of his passing in November 2009.
ROBERT S. POLLOCK, JR. age 97, passed away peacefully on July 29, 2019. He was born in
Hampton, VA on June 20, 1922. His wife, Rosemary, had passed away several years ago. He graduated from Virginia Polytechnic Institute, (now Virginia Tech) in 1951 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Shortly after he began his career with Carolina Power & Light Company and retired in 1984. Being a proud Scotsman, Rob, with Rosemary's assistance, was one of the original members of Clan Pollock and contributed much time to help build and develop Clan Pollock in the U.S. and served many years as North Carolina Clan Commissioner. He is survived by two sons, four grandchildren, and one great grandchild. In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts may be made to Wesleyan Chapel United Methodist Church, 10255 US Hwy 17 North, Wilmington. Just a wonderful man.
Robert Sheldon Slemmons March 12, 1922 - October 22, 2007 Clan Pollock member and Kansas Commissioner, Robert S. Slemmons, passed away suddenly October 22, 2007. We received word recently from his widow, Dorothy. Bob was a longtime Clan Pollock member and he and Dorothy had hosted the Kansas games for many years for Clan Pollock. He and Dorothy had celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary December 16, 2005. Bob is also survived by four children; twelve grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Bob was a long-time member of the First Presbyterian Church of Topeka where he and Dorothy sang in the Choir for over 50 years. Bob wrote volumes of memoirs, historical essays, children's stories, poetry and limericks. On his bathroom mirror were the words:
"Life is short, and we have never too much time for making glad the hearts of others.
Oh, be swift to love;
make haste to be kind."
We send our sincere sympathy to Dorothy and the rest of the family. Robert (Bob) S. Slemmons will be greatly missed.
Robert W. Pollock, husband of Muriel Pollock, passed away on 7 November 1994. Muriel and her husband resided in Garner, Massachusetts.
Ronald C. Polk Sr. 16 Jan 1932 - 29 April 2010. A proud American, a Texan of Scottish heritage and long time member of Clan Pollock. He spent his life as a soldier so I know he is finally home with all the Scottish Warrior Poets who have fought the good fight and gone on before him.
Ronald H. Pollock, Sun City, Arizona (We received this notice in November 2015)
Ronald M Schwoegl passed away December 20, 2020. He lived in Verona PA and had been a member for 25 years.
Rosemary Pollock, of Wilmington, North Carolina With deep sadness I must report that Rosemary Pollock, one of the most gracious and wonderful ladies I have had the privilege of knowing in my lifetime,has passed away. She was one of the founding members of Clan Pollock and her efforts were crucial to our early success. As the Clan's first secretary, for many years she tirelessly worked to ensure that one day we would become the wonderful and successful organization we are today.
Together with her husband Rob, they represented Clan Pollock for many years at the Grandfather Mountain Games in North Carolina, the most well known games in the country. This was at a time when very few Highland games were held West of the Mississippi River. In those days it was hard to get started as a new clan unless you were represented at the Grandfather Mountain games. So their representation there, and at other Highland games along the East Coast, was critical, not only to Clan Pollock becoming a recognized clan, but also to ensuring that we would continue to grow and be become the wonderful organization we enjoy today.
She was a wonderful and gracious lady to all that knew her, and I know she will be deeply missed by her husband Rob, and by her family and many friends. God Bless Rosemary Pollock. Reported to us by William C. Pollock Jr. of Colorado Springs, Colorado in the May, 2012 Pollag.
Ross Morrison, Jr. passed away October 5, 2013. Ross was a familiar sight at Scottish Games all over the United States serving as Athletic coordinator for the Games. He served the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games for 53 years in various capacities and was President of the Games from 1998 until 2013.
Ruth Drayton Woodward, 92, of Loveland passed peacefully on Monday, October 29 at UCHealth Medical Center of the Rockies in Loveland. In lieu of flowers Ruth requested that donations be made to the CSU Anthropology Field School Scholarship Fund. Donations can be made at
Ruth is preceded in death by her husband Douglas in 1996. They were married on June 11, 1944. They lived in Coldwater, Michigan, Greeley, Colorado, and finally settled in Loveland, Colorado in 1972. Ruth and Doug were members of Clan Pollock since 1986 and Doug served as Colorado Commissioner from 1987 to 1995. She was a gracious hostess to many Pollocks as the traveled through Colorado. Ruth was always at his side at the games, doing research, and their many travels locating things related to Pollock. Ruth remained active in Clan Pollock as long as her health allowed.
Ruth E. Bell, of Buena Park, Colorado. We were informed of her passing in May 2009.
Sue Ann Hobgood Pollock 22 April 1933 - 5 September 2017
It is with sadness that I report the death of my wife of 62 years, SueAnn Hobgood Pollock. Sue was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 1999, and in combination with a fall in 2015 that fractured three vertebrae, her body just gave out.
She was a 1955 graduate of the University of Kentucky with a BS Degree in Vocational Home Economics. She received a Masters in Education Degree from Spaulding University in 1970. On June 23, 1955 she married Air Force Lt. Richard Horace Pollock, her high school sweetheart, at the First Christian Church in Madisonville, Kentucky.
Sue was a past Secretary of Clan Pollock International.
Other survivors are a daughter,Anne Pride Pollock Durham, a son, Dr. Steven Richard Pollock, eight grandchildren and six great grandchildren.
The beautiful plant Clan Pollock sent was very much appreciated and is still blooming.
Here is a tribute I wrote for the church bulletin for her Celebration of Life:
Till We Meet Again
I will think of you....when I hear the song "For the Beauty of the Earth".
I will think of you ..... when I see a pretty flower.
I will think of you....when I look at your fruit plate collection.
I will think of you....when I see a picture of a couple strolling hand in hand down a South Carolina beach.
I will think of you....when I see your Scotty dog collection.
I will think of you....when the sun rises and sets, and all the moments in between.
I will think of you....for no reason at all.
Be at peace, my love, Till We Meet Again.
-Richard H. Pollock, Genealogist
Clan Pollock International
Terrence W. Semple passed away 23 June 2000 in Tennessee
Thomas “Tommy” Pollock, 71, of Clemson, S.C. passed away August 31, 2019 at his home after a long battle with ALS. He is survived by his wife of 48 years Carol Susan Roberts Pollock, and was the loving father of Thomas Mitchell Pollock and Dr. Ashley Brooke Pollock Trexler, and proud grandfather of Hanna Rose Trexler. He was anxiously awaiting the birth of a second granddaughter, Ann Kathryn Pollock.
Born in Banbridge, GA in 1947 to parents Maurnice Pollock and Anna Lois Smith Pollock. He graduated from the University of Georgia with a masters in agricultural engineering He served as a lieutenant in the US Navy during the Vietnam War. He had been a member of Clan Pollock since 2007. Our sympathy to Carol and the family. Note: We had the privilege of meeting Tommy and Carol at several Grandfather Mountain Games over the years.
Donations in his memory may be made to the Tamassee DAR School Children's Fund (P.O.Box 8, Tamassee, SC 29686) or USA's Student
Veteran's Resource Center (481 Tate Student Center, Athens, GA 30602)
Thomas A. Pollock, Clifton Park, N.Y., passed away October 6, 2016, after a brief illness. Thomas had been a Clan Pollock member since 2013. His wife of 68 years, Nancy, writes that he had celebrated his 90th birthday in September. Thomas is buried in the National Cemetery in Saratoga, N.Y. Our sympathy to all the family.
Thomas C. Pollock, of River Edge, NJ passed away on 13 December 1987. He was 65 years old. Tom was a member of Clan Pollock almost from the beginning, having joined in July of 1982. On behalf of the clan, we extend sincere condolences to his wife, Gloria, as as well as their three sons and two daughters.
Thomas F. Pollock, of Monrovia, CA, member of Clan Pollock since 1992. Born in 1911, he was a retired Navy Captain. Our sympathy to his wife, Olive Pollock. We were informed of his passing in time for the July 2004 Pollag.
Thomas “Tom” E. Pollock, 82, of Pollock Pines, CA passed away April 1, 2020 at his home. He is survived by his wife of 61 years, two daughters, three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. He had been a member of Clan Pollock since 1996. Note: Tom was a first cousin of A.D. Pollock and Tom told us about the Grandfather Mountain Games and encouraged us to go many years ago. Two of Tom’s brothers are also Clan Pollock members – Chuck and Bill Pollock.) Our sympathy to Joan and all his family.
It is with great regret that I announce the passing of Thomasina Pollock of Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, mother of members John D,. (Bud) Pollock of Peterborough, Ontario, and the Rev. Donald Pollock of Guelph, Ontario, and the grandmother of J.D. Andrew Pollock of Peterborough, Ontario. She had been ill for some time. Bud told me she was laid to rest in accordance with Scottish traditions, with the piping of McCrimmon and Flowers o the Forest. Her casket was borne by her grandsons.
-William C. Pollock, Jr.
V. David J. Pollock, Jr. on June 10, 2010. His father, V. David J. Pollock, Sr. sent us this news.
Vernon L. Brown, Jr., of Ridgewood, New Jersey, member of Clan Pollock since 1990. Mr. Brown was a consultant. Our sympathy to his wife, Violette Brown. We were informed of his passing in time for the July 2004 Pollag.
Vivian Pollock, Ankeny, Iowa, wife of Clan Pollock member, Norman Pollock, and mother of Clan Pollock members Marcia J. Baker, Mark W. Pollock, and Matthew D. Pollock and grandmother of Clan Pollock member, Christopher Pollock. (We received this notification August, 2015)
William Keele, husband of Stella Keele of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada recently passed away.
Reported in the July 1993 Pollag by William C. Pollock, Jr.
William Pollock of Auckland, New Zealand. The death on January 16, 2005 in Auckland New Zealand of William Pollock in his 96th year, brings to an end a remarkable family of ten brothers and sisters which had its origins in the townland of Clintagh in County Down in Ulster. With the exception of James Pollock, my Father, all of the others survived into their nineties; four of the sons emigrated to New Zealand and the USA in the early 1900s, and William with two of his sisters left Ireland for New Zealand in 1951. There are now many descendants of these emigres in many parts of the world.
This particular family is itself one of a long line of Pollocks who were farmers in County Down, and I myself was born and brought up on the same land where they had settled for 250 years. As they prospered various sub-branches spread around the locality over time, and in 1871 a Pollock/Pollock marriage occurred (probably between cousins),and this couple eventually emigrated to America with their nine Ulster-born children. They settled in Allegheny County, Pa. where they had a further three children, and many of their descendants are centred around that area.
My 'cousin' Joan (Pollock) Vranesa in Denton, Texas and I have been trying to compile a family tree of the County Down Pollocks, and while we have a considerable file, data in Ireland before 1800 is difficult to get. As far as I am aware no full history of the Pollock name in Ireland exists, but one assumes that 'our' Pollocks are likely to be the descendants of the original Robert Pollock (1726-1799) mentioned in the Lloyd Welsh Pogue book of The Pollocks (p xxiv).
Any help from readers about Pollocks in Ireland would be most welcome. One further bit of historical information may be of interest to readers. The Clintagh Pollocks intermarried with the McKees - another notable family in the locality; my Great-Great-Grandmother was Rebecca McKee(1793-1850).
During the 1798 rebellion in Ulster English soldiers destroyed the McKee home during a (mistaken) search for hidden arms. Before setting fire to the house, soldiers allowed Mrs McKee (Rebecca's Mother) to take one item. She chose the Family Bible. This Mckee Bible still exists - I've had in my hands. It has been in the Pollock family care ever since the intermarriage, and is now with my late Uncle William's family in new Zealand.
~(Professor) John M. Pollock, Clan Member.
The Mill House, Glandyfi, Machynlleth, Wales SY20 8SS. UK.
It is with great sadness that I tell you of the 2 January 1998 death of Clan Pollock Vice-President William H. Pollock. Bill served with distinction in many positions after he joined the Clan in 1982: New York Commissioner in 1994, and Vice-President in 1996. While I valued his leadership and counsel, I valued his friendship eve more. Our thoughts and prayers are with Dawn and family members.
-Richard H. Pollock
William H. Pollock of Rouses Point, New York, passed away on 2 January 1998. As Dick (Richard) has noted in his President's Corner, Bill was our Vice-President and a Commissioner at the time of his death. I would like to add my own personal note simply saying Bill was a wonderful friend and I will miss seeing him at the annual gathering this hear. Ever cheerful, he was always fun to visit with and I will always cherish his memory.
-William C. Pollock, Jr.
William Mitchell Pollock, of Sun City West, Arizona, passed away on July 28, 2003. William had been a member of Clan Pollock since 1993. He was born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1927. Our sympathy to his daughter, Kimberly J. Pollock of San Francisco, CA.
William P. Polk, of Lexington, Oklahoma, member of Clan Pollock since 2000. Born in 1939, he was a deputy sheriff. Our sympathy to his wife, Margaret Polk. We were informed of his passing in time for the July 2004 Pollag.
Winfred H. Lyon passed away 29 April 2000 in Florida.
The first passage about Andrew Pollock I believe is in correct. It was his father, Gavin Pollock the 2nd, that immigrated in 1880 from Scotland, I believe. Is this correct?
Thanks from the Clan Genealogist. We’ve made the changes to the webpage.