Clan Pollock

Scotland's Highland Games

"In the year of our Lord 1314, patriots of Scotland,
starving and outnumbered, charged the fields of Bannockburn.
They fought like warrior poets. They fought like Scotsmen.
And they won their freedom. Forever!!"  - From the movie Braveheart

To commemorate our heritage (and to have a good time doing so) we hold and attend Highland Games. You can find pictures of some games we've attended in the Clan Photos page.

We are always looking for volunteers to host tents at local Highland games. If you are interested or have questions, please contact: A.D. Pollock, Jr.

A list of games can be found at: The Association of Scottish Games and Festivals

2 thoughts on “Scotland’s Highland Games”

  1. Hello Fellow Pollocks,
    I joined Clan Pollock in 1986 before a trip to Scotland.
    I keep everything – drives my wife nuts!
    I have “all” the copies of The Pollag ever sent to me. Somewhere on your website I saw a list of newsletters you HAVE and those you DON’T have. Do you still need to fill holes? I may be able to help.
    I made a spreadsheet of the ones I have. Should I send it to someone to compare? I can send copies to fill holes.
    Not sure what to do with all these Pollags.

    Bruce W. Pollock
    5389 Monches Rd., Colgate, WI 53017
    262-707-7896 (mobile, may be new for you – please update your records).

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